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"From Executive to Every Man"

Written by

Ryan Simmons, MNLP, MTT, MHt

I just checked out this article from Forbes.com called, “Six Personal Development Techniques Every Busy Executive Should Try”.

It touches on 6 points for high powered execs to sharpen their game and get an edge over themselves.

Each specific tip is offered by one of the members of the Forbes Coaches Council.

Here are my thoughts on the 6 insights provided by the career coaches to executives and how we can apply it to everyday life:

Tip #1: Open Up And Become Self-Aware

Very true, I believe the phrase is, “Know Thyself”.

Knowing Thyself affords us a quiet confidence, where we are in control of our emotions and actions.

This allows us to move from a place of integrity and congruency, i.e. what we do what we say and we say what we mean.

Tip #2: Learn New Beliefs

Learning new beliefs is important, and so is Unlearning those old beliefs so there is room to add those new beliefs.

We can continue to plant in the garden, and that garden will produce fruit and we also need to take the opportunity to turn over that soil, pull out the old roots, and get rid of the weeds.

This creates a new soil bed, to start fresh and plant the seeds of specific result and outcome.

Tip #3: Scheduled Focus Time

I love this one!

I often find that I am most productive when I have scheduled out the time to get a certain project done.

Currently, I allow myself a specific amount of time each day to work a very specific set of tasks.

Having a this time set aside provides me with definiteness of purpose, clarity and patience while working on those tasks.

(Versus, being in a frenzy thinking of all the things I must do that day.)

Tip #4: Go Outside To Stimulate Creativity

This is an important thing to do, to stimulate creativity.

Also, another way to engage your brain, is to do things differently than you normally would.

What I do is to change my driving path, I will simply just change my route to create just a little of mental stimulate and non-novelty.

When one takes a different path they automatically start to see things differently, because there are different things to see, aren’t there?

Tip #5: Be The Final Decision-Maker

We can adopt this into our everyday life, by being the final decision maker over those things of which we have control.

Some people give their power away to circumstances and situations outside of themselves.

We are in all ways the only responsible person in our day to day living.

Recognizing that will allow you to co-exist and matriculate with other people because you are at ease knowing they are also the sole decision maker in their life.

Tip #6: Go To The Root Cause

This is one of the most important processes used in TIME Techniques™ to release negative emotions.

By going back to the root cause, a person can go to the source of the negative emotion or limiting belief, back to when it started.

Imagine going back to the root cause of your Anger and by eliminating that root cause instance, you can release all subsequent instances of your anger up to today.

Here are the 5 negative emotions that hold people back: Anger, Sadness, Fear, Hurt and Guilt.

Releasing these at the root cause allows you to clean the slate on those negative emotions.

In closing, this was a quick and informative article from Forbes.com, it was simple, easy to digest and succinct.

I hope you enjoyed some of my thoughts on this article from and if you want to read the full article, here is the link to it: http://bit.ly/Forbes-6Techniques.

Ryan Simmons, MNLP, MTT, MHt
